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  • Privacy Policy


The Seoul Metropolitan Government ('SMG') enforces the following Privacy Policy for all personal information processed by the SMG in order that users' personal information as well as their rights and interests are protected and that issues related to personal information suffered by users are well resolved in compliance with related laws, such as the Personal Information Protection Act.

Article 1 (Purpose of Collecting Personal Information)

  1. The SMG’s Reservation for Public Service website ("website") processes personal information for the following purposes. The processed personal information is not used for any other purpose than the purposes specified below, and necessary measures, such as a separate request for consent pursuant to Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act, shall be implemented if any of the purposes is to change.
    1. 1. When a user registers on the website, the information entered on the reservation application shall be collected and used for the purpose of processing the reservation, and of providing information and guidance on the reservation. In addition, the personal information shall be used for the purpose of exercising policies such as compiling statistics on the service and conducting a customer satisfaction survey.
    2. 2. When a user pays for a charged service on the website, the personal information shall be collected and used for the purpose of checking the user's record of payment and cancellation.
    3. 3. When a user logs in via Quick Login, the personal information is used for the purpose of compiling statistical data on users currently accessing the website, etc.
    4. 4. When a user enters his or her resident registration number for contact-free user verification, the number entered will not be collected; only the record of results received in reply shall be used.
  2. Pursuant to Article 32 of the Personal Information Protection Act, the SMG's purpose of processing registered and disclosed personal information files is as follows.
    순번, 개인정보파일의 명칭, 운영근거/처리목적, 개인정보파일에 기록되는 개인정보의 항목 등의 정보를 나타내는 표
    No. Personal Information (File) Operational Basis / Purpose of Processing Personal Information Items in Personal Information File
    1 User’s Personal Information Consent by the information subject / Processing user registration, guidance on reservation, guidance on cancellation Name (Organization), Mobile, Email, Address (Partially Required)
    2 User’s Billing Information Compliance with laws on consumer protection in e-commerce, etc. / Checking the records of payment and cancellation of charged services Name, Email, Card Number, Refund Bank Account Number (Optional)
    3 Quick Login (Social Media) Consent by the information subject / Accessing the website Name, Mobile
    4 Quick Login (Mobile) Consent by the information subject / Accessing the website Name, Mobile

Article 2 (Period of Personal Information Processing and Storage)

  1. The SMG processes and stores personal information within the storage and usage period of personal information specified by law or consented to by the information subject at the point in time in which the personal information was collected.
  2. Processing and storage period of each individual's personal information is as follows.
    1. An individual's personal information shall be deleted upon website membership termination, Quick Login synchronized social networks revocation, and in the event of exceeding the set period of simple mobile phone simple login usage.
      • - User's personal information shall be stored for 6 months and then immediately discarded: Name (Organization), Mobile, Email, Address
      • - User's payment-related information shall be stored for 5 years and then immediately discarded: Name, Email, Card Number, Refund Bank Account Number
      • - Quick Login (social media) information shall be stored for 6 months and then immediately discarded: Name, Mobile
      • - Quick Login (mobile) information shall be stored for 6 months and then immediately discarded: Name, Mobile
  3. Information on processing and storage time period for the website and related services operated by the SMG can be viewed on the ‘Personal Information Protection web portal ‘.

    Personal Information Protection Commission web portal (www.privacy.go.kr) → Personal Service → Request to view personal information (Guide) → List of personal information files search → Search by entering “Seoul“ or “SMG“ in the organization name category

    * [Personal Information Protection Commission web portal] (Click) List of the SMG’s personal information files → Clicking the file redirects to the SMG website.

Article 3 (Providing Personal Information to Third Party)

  1. If you use the SMG website, you will be guided through items below in compliance with Article 17 of the Personal Information Protection Act and requested for consent so that your personal information is permitted for use by each district office and institution.
    1. 1. Party to whom personal information is provided: SMG, government-owned enterprises and corporations, government-invested/funded institutions under jurisdiction of the SMG, and 25 autonomous districts.
    2. 2. Purpose of use by the party to whom personal information is provided: Allows reservation-related information collected through the website to be used and processed.
    3. 3. Items of Personal Information Provided
      • - User’s personal information: Name (Organization), Mobile, Email, Address (Partially Required)
      • - User’s billing information: Name, Email, Card Number, Bank Account Number for Refunds (Optional)
      • - Quick Login (social media) information: Name, Mobile
      • - Quick Login (mobile) information: Name, Mobile
    4. 4. Duration of personal information storage and usage: Personal information is deleted after termination of website membership or revocation of quick login synchronization.
      • - User's personal information shall be stored for 6 months and the immediately discarded: Name (Organization), Mobile, Email, Address
      • - User's billing information shall be stored for 5 years and then immediately discarded: Name, Email, Card Number, Refund Bank Account Number
      • - Quick Login (social media) information shall be stored for 6 months and then immediately discarded: Login Account, Name, Mobile
      • - Quick Login (mobile) information shall be stored for 6 months and then immediately discarded: Name, Mobile
    5. 5. Statement of users' right to refuse consent and disadvantages incurred upon refusal to give consent: Users have the right to refuse consent to collection of personal information on the website, but such refusal will place restrictions on their use of reservation services.
  2. The SMG shall handle an individual's personal information only insofar as it stays within the confines delineated in Article 1 (Purpose of Collecting Personal Information). Personal information shall be provided to a third party only in cases that complies with Article 17 of the Personal Information Protection Act, such as consent by the information subject or special legal regulations that allow it.
    1. 1. If the information subject gives separate consent
    2. 2. If there is a special regulation in law that allows for it or if it is unavoidable in order to comply with obligations of the law
    3. 3. If it is unavoidable for a government office's execution of jurisdiction duties specified by law
    4. 4. If it is unavoidably required to enter into contract and execute said contract with the information subject
    5. 5. If the information subject or legal representative thereof is in no condition of expressing one's will, or if prior consent cannot be received due to indecipherable address provided, but it is a case in which it is approved as being required and urgent for the information subject or a third party's life, health, or financial gain.
    6. 6.If it is required toward achieving fair and just gain of the personal information processor and is clearly at a higher precedence than the information subject's right. Such cases shall be restricted to cases that are significantly related to fair and just gain of the personal information processor and that do not exceed a reasonable scope.

Article 4 (Consigning Personal Information Processing)

  1. The SMG consigns processing of personal information as follows, in order for smooth execution of tasks related to personal information processing.
    연번, 개인정보파일명, 위탁하는 업무의 내용, 위탁받는 자 등의 정보를 나타내는 표
    No. Personal Information (File) Description of Consigned Task Consignee
    1 User’s Personal Information Website Maintenance and Operation NTSYS (NT SYSTEM)
    2 User’s Billing Information Billing History Toss Payments, KG Inicis
    3 User’s Self Verification Real Name verification NICE Information Service
  2. When the SMG enters into a consignment contract, the city states in documentation such as the contract, prohibition against processing personal information for any other purpose than the consigned task, technical/managerial protective measures, prohibition against re-consignment, details of management and supervision of the consignee, and responsibility for compensation of damages, etc. The SMG also supervises the consignee as to whether the consignee is processing the personal information in a safe manner.
  3. If any or all of the consigned task or the consignee are to change, the change will be announced on this Privacy Policy without delay.

Article 5 (Rights and Obligations of the Information Subject and Legal Representative, and the Exercise Thereof)

  1. Information subjects (legal representative if the subject is under 14) can exercise their right at any time to demand the SMG to view, correct, delete, and cancel processing, etc. of their personal information.
  2. Exercise of rights as delineated in paragraph 1 can be undertaken by filling out Form 8 of the Addendum of the Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Protection Act and submitting it via in-person meeting, email, or fax in accordance with Article 41(1) of the Enforcement Decree of the Personal Information Protection Act regarding the SMG, which the SMG shall then process without delay.
  3. Exercise of rights as delineated in paragraph 1 can be undertaken through a proxy such as the information subject's legal representative or another authorized person. In such a case, the applicant must submit the Form 11 for power of attorney, in the Addendum of the Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Protection Act.
  4. Information subject's right to demand to view or cancelling processing of their personal information may be restricted according to Articles 35(5) and 37(2) of the Personal Information Protection Act.
  5. Demand to correct or delete personal information is not allowed in the case of another legal act specifying the personal information in question as subject to collection.
  6. The SMG enforces verification on whether the person demanding viewing, correction·deletion, and discontinuance of processing in exercise of rights is in fact the information subject or authorized proxy.

Article 6 (Processed Items of Personal Information)

  1. The SMG processes the following items of personal information.
    1. 1. Processing User’s Personal Information
      • - Required: Name (Organization), Mobile, Email
      • - Optional: Address (Partially Required)
    2. 2. Processing User’s Billing Information
      • - Required: Name, Email Address, Card Number
      • - Optional: Refund Bank Account Number
    3. 3. Processing Quick Login (Social Media)
      • - Required: Name, Mobile
    4. 4. Processing Quick Login (Mobile)
      • - Required: Name, Mobile
    5. 5. Personal items below may be automatically generated and collected in the process of using an internet service.
      • - IP address, cookies, MAC address, service use history, visit history, misuse history, etc.

Article 7 (Discarding Personal Information)

  1. The SMG disposes of personal information without any delay once personal information is no longer needed, for example when the storage period has expired, or when the processing purpose has been achieved, etc.
  2. If another legal act requires that personal information be kept in storage even if the personal information storage period has expired or if the processing purpose has been achieved, the personal information in question (or personal information files) must be transferred to a separate database (DB) or stored in a different storage location.
  3. Disposal procedure and method for personal information is as follows.
    1. 1. Disposal Procedure
      The SMG must establish a plan for personal information disposal for the personal information in question and then dispose of it. The SMG must select the personal information (or personal information files) that has cause for disposal, receive approval from the personnel in charge of personal information protection, and then dispose of the personal information (or personal information files).
    2. 2. Disposal Method
      The SMG uses methods of Low Level Format, etc. to dispose of personal information recorded or saved in electronic file format so that it is not recoverable. Any personal information recorded or saved on a paper document is disposed of through shredding or incineration.

Article 8 (Securing Safety of Personal Information)

  1. The SMG implements the following measures to ensure safety of personal information.
    1. 1. Managerial measure: Establishment and execution of internal management plans, periodic employee training, etc.
    2. 2. Technical measure: Management of right of access to personal information processing system, installation of controlled access system, installation of encryption and security program for individual identification information, etc.
    3. 3. Physical measure: Controlled access to data processing room, data storage room, etc.

Article 9 (Installation and Operation of Automatic Personal Information Collection Device, and Refusal Thereof)

  1. Users have the right to refuse consent to collection of personal information on the website, but such refusal will place restrictions on their use of reservation services.
  2. The SMG uses cookies that saves usage information and constantly recalls that information in order to provide customized experience to the user.
  3. Cookies are a small amount of information sent by the server used in operating the website to the user's computer browser. This information may be saved on a hard disk within the user's computer.
    1. 1. Cookies' Purpose of Use: Cookies are used to provide information optimized to the user through evaluation of the user's visits and usage, popular search words, whether the access is secured, etc. of each service and website.
    2. 2. Cookie installation and operation, and refusal thereof: Users can disallow cookie saving by going to Tools (top of web browser) > Internet Option > Option Settings (Personal Information Menu).
    3. 3. If a user disallows cookie saving, there may be difficulties in customized service use.

Article 10 (Persons Responsible for Personal Information Protection)

  1. The SMG oversees all personal information processing and takes due responsibility, and also designates the following persons in charge of personal information protection for handling information subject's complaints and grievances related to personal information processing.
    각 개인정보 보호책임자등의 부서명, 성명, 직급, 담당부서 및 연락처 정보
    No. Category Department Name Position Department Responsible and Contact Information
    1 Person in charge of
    personal information per category
    Digital City Bureau Park Jin-Yeong Director General * Information System Division (Personal Information Protection Team)
    - Phone: +82-2-2133-7812
    - Email: privacy@seoul.go.kr
    2 Person in charge of
    personal information per category
    Information Security Division Kang Ji-Won Assistant Officer
    3 Person in charge of
    personal information per category
    Information System Division Woo Jung-Sook Director * Information System Division (System Operations Team)
    - Phone : 02-2133-2986
    4 Person in charge of
    personal information per category
    Information System Division Jeong Sang-Hoon Assistant Officer
  2. Information subject can send inquiries to the person in charge of personal information protection or department responsible for all questions, complaints, remedies, etc. related to personal information protection that may occur while using the website and its services. The SMG shall reply to those inquiries and handle them without delay.

Article 11 (Claiming Personal Information Viewing)

  1. Information subject can claim for viewing of personal information in accordance with Article 35 of the Personal Information Protection Act at the department below. The SMG shall do it utmost for prompt processing of claims for personal information viewing by information subjects.
    Personal Information Viewing Claim Receiving · Processing Department
    • - Department Name: Information Security Division (Personal Information Protection Team)
    • - Person in Charge: Assistant Officer Kang Ji-Won
    • - Contact: ☎ +82-2-2133-7812 (privacy@seoul.go.kr)
  2. Information subjects can also view personal information via ‘the Personal Information Protection Commission's Personal Information Protection web portal’ (www.privacy.go.kr) aside from the receiving and processing department for viewing claims in paragraph 1. Personal Information Protection Commission Personal Information Protection Web Portal → Personal Service → Demand for Personal Information Viewing, etc. (Identity verification)

Article 12 (Method for Rights Violation Relief)

  • Information subject can inquire the organizations below for remedies or consultations, etc. regarding violation related to personal information. Organizations below are separate from those under jurisdiction of the SMG. Please contact them for inquiries if the SMG's own handling of personal information complaints or the result of remedy has not been satisfactory or you would like a more detailed response.
    각 개인정보 관련 기관명, 전화번호 및 홈페이지 등 정보
    No. Category Contact Notes
    1 KISA Privacy Violation Report Center 118 privacy.kisa.or.kr
    2 Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee 1833-6972 www.kopico.go.kr
    3 Supreme Prosecutor's Office Cyber Crime Unit 1301 cid@spo.go.kr (spo.go.kr)
    4 National Police Agency's Cyber Bureau 182 cyberbureau.police.go.kr

Article 13 (Changes to Privacy Policy)

  1. This Privacy Policy shall take effect on Jan. 1, 2021.
  2. Previous versions of the Privacy Policy can be viewed via the link below.


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